Festival Guests Tonje Hessen ScheiPrisvinnende dokumentarfilm-regissør som har jobbet med uavhengig dokumentar siden 1996. Regissør for dokumentaren Drone som har vunnet priser nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Hun har regi på iHuman. Sturla PilskogMedeier av produksjonsselskapet Blåst Film. Vinterens lengsel er hans debut som langfilmregissør. Sidse Torstholm LarsenHar en mastergrad i visuell antropologi ved Universitetet i Tromsø. Vinterens lengsel er hennes debut som langfilmregissører. Ragnhild Nøst BergemRegissør og fotograf fra Oslo. Har tidligere hatt regi på Husker du meg som hadde premiere på IDFA i 2016. Vær her er hennes første kinodokumentar. Line LyngstadaasLine har jobbet på en rekke dokumentarer som filmfotograf. Transporteringsdans er hennes første helaftens dokumentarfilm. Lene BergFødt i Oslo og studert filmregi ved Dramatiska Institutet i Stockholm. Hun har produsert en rekke kortfilmer. Berg har regi på False Belief. Elsa KvammeRegi på Sorry brødre, det ble meg. Bakgrunn som skuespiller og sangartist. Hun har tidligere laget én spillefilm og 10 dokumentarer. Sorry brødre, det ble meg inngår i en trilogi. Jonas BruunHumanity on Trial. Student ved Den norske filmskolen. Begynte sitt arbeid med dokumentarfilm som lærling hos Danish Documentary Production. Har sin debut som regissør med langformat-dokumentaren Humanity on Trial. Janne LindgrenKampen. Utdannet filmfotograf fra Den norske filmskolen, og har bakgrunn som stillsfotograf. Kampen er hennes andre dokumentarfilm. Jan VardøenDescent into the Maelstrom. Kjent som gründer, regissør, musikk- og filmprodusent, forfatter, musiker, restauratør og forretningsmann. Han har regi på Descent into the Maelstrom. Benjamin ReeKunstneren og tyven. Dokumentarfilmskaper med bakgrunn fra journalistikk ved Høgskolen i Oslo, og har laget filmer og reportasjer for NRK, BBC, Reuters TV og VGTV. Han har regi på Kunstneren og tyven. Audun AmundsenNewtopia Filmskaper, oppdagelsesreisende og fotograf. Newtopia er hans første dokumentarfilm og har tatt 16 år å lage. Corinne Van EgeraatDutch experimental filmmaker. Egeraat has long focused on personal storytelling and specializes in projects around creative freedom of expression. Producer of Angels on Diamond Street. Khadija AbbasiRecently completed a PhD on her refugeehood and her community, Hazaras of Afghanistan. Has worked for various NGOs and research centres focusing on migration, gender, human rights and ethnicity. Panelist in the debate Afghanistan: From Bad to Worse. Salam AldeenDanish founder and coordinator of Team Humanity. He was arrested and charged with human smuggling when searching for a refugee family lost at sea off the coast of Greece, and is the protagonist of Humanity on Trial. Britta RedwoodBritta Redwood, American lawyer, Legal Fellow at the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR). Panelist in the debate Fighting War Crimes in Syria: Can Norway Play a Part? Marissa VahlsingMarissa Vahlsing, US-based lawyer, one of Earth- Rights Internationals Senior Attorneys on Máxima Acuña’s case, featured in the film Máxima. Ibrahim OlabiThis is custom heading element UK-based lawyer with specialised international law knowledge and experience related to the Syrian conflict, and director of The Syrian Legal Development Programme. Panelists for the talk Fighting war crimes in Syria, can Norway play a part? Nabil Al-RaeeBorn and raised in the Palestinian refugee camp Al-Arroub, he is the former Artistic Director at The Freedom Theatre in Jenin on The West Bank. Has directed many notable productions, including The Siege. Panelist in the talk Hope Detained. Ehab TarabiehGrowing up under Israeli military occupation, the award-winning director of Of Land and Bread, Tarabieh, was politically active at very young age. He graduated from the Sam Spiegel Film & TV School, Jerusalem in 2012. Reverend Renee McKenzieAmerican episcopal priest at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia. She is an adjunct professor, teaching in black church history and theology, racial justice and womanist theology, and is one of the protagonists in Angels on Diamond Street. Uğur ÜngörA Turkish-Dutch scholar of genocide and mass violence. Professor in history at the University of Amsterdam and senior researcher at the Dutch ‘Institute of War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD). Panelist in the debate Narrative Wars: The Politics of Memory. Loretta Van Der HorstA Honduran born Dutch-American creative documentarist. With a focus on Latin America, she has covered human trafficking, illegal mining, gang violence, and migration. She is the director of Behind the Blood. Ilse Van VelzenAward-winning director and producer. Together with her twin sister Femke Van Velzen, she runs IF Productions, a documentary filmmaking company that aims to expose injustice. She is the co-director of Prison for Profit. Basel GhattasPalestinian citizen of Israel, served as a member of the Israeli Parliament, until 2017 when he was imprisoned for smuggling cellphones to Palestinian prisoners. He will speak about the situation for Palestinian prisoners in Israel in the talk Hope Detained. Petr LomDocumentary filmmaker, currently residing in The Netherlands. He has a phD from Harvard University, USA, has been making award winning documentary films dedicated to injustice in different parts of the world for almost 20 years. Jemimah SteinfeldBritish journalist with MA in Chinese Studies from SOAS, has worked for the Global Times in Beijing, and contributed to CNN and Time Out on issues relating to China, feminism and dating. Speaker at Filmmakers/Changemakers. Katie RedfordHuman rights lawyer, co-funder and until recently Director of EarthRights International, where she represented clients like Máxima Acuña in lawsuits demanding accountability for corporate human rights and environmental abuses. Keynote speaker at the Festival Opening. Hassan FaziliAfghan filmmaker, director of Midnight Traveler, his own first-person account of escape from Afghanistan. Fazili has developed theater plays, documentaries, and several popular television series in Afghanistan. Panelist at Afghanistan: From Bad to Worse. Claudia SparrowClaudia Sparrow, born and raised in Lima, Peru, she has been recognized by Peruvian media as one of ten prominent filmmakers in Peru. Director of Máxima and recipient of the Franklin J. Schaffner Fellow Award for directing El Americano. Ruth HopkinsAward winning investigative journalist, based in South Africa. Her work for the Wits Justice Project in Johannesburg is featured in Prison for Profit, and she will be giving a masterclass on investigative journalism and international cooperation. Einat WeizmanIsraeli actor, director, playwright and political activist based in Tel Aviv. She uses documentary theater as an investigative tool inside the hidden spots of the Israeli apartheid. She is the writer behind Okkupasjonens fanger, a documentary theater play.